So what's a girl supposted to do when the weather is getting colder, the wind is picking up and the rain starts to pour? After a long work week you curl up on the sofa watching a good movie, in my case "Harry Brown" starring Michael Caine. On Saturday night, you join up with a friend at Carib Kreol for drinks.
A taste of paradise! This Pina Colada didn't take long to devour! We gulped down two each before we headed of to our dinner reservation with the bartenders words echoing:"Can you stand up straight?"
Dinner took place at BELLE epoque. I'd tried their food before. The bad picture doesn't make justice for the good food.
I had the "oxkind" and is was delicious! I really like the fact that the chef changes up the menu every week and tries to keep it seasonal. It keeps the people coming back!