fredag 12 oktober 2012
Project: Ceiling lamp
Now that we have these amazing stucco and high ceiling, we should have some nice lamps. Since one of my favorites is way too expensive, I've decided to make one my self. Image of original lamp by Challieres:
torsdag 11 oktober 2012
Building a home
The move went smooth and all my stuff is finally out of the storage. We been drilling holes in walls, painting and moving things around. On night we went a bit spending crazy and placed bids on the Swedish version of eBay. I'm got really happy when I won the bidding on a pair of gold plated bedside lamps! And a bit surprised that David got excited too.
fredag 21 september 2012
The return of the cardboard boxes
You might say I'm quite used to live surrounded by moving boxes. Not my favourite but this time, will be the last! When I got back from Gothenburg I moved in to my boyfriends small apartment. Luckily we got the news that a big apartment in the same building was up for grabs! We didn't hesitate one second! Yes, it's a 2 bedroom apartment, 90 square meters of pure magic! Kitchen and bathroom renovated recently, all walls crispy white, the stucco carefully kept in all rooms. I mean, the master bedroom is bigger than D's livingroom! The big moving day is Oct 1:st and I cannot wait to free all my stuff from the rented storage space. See you at the housewarming party!
söndag 22 juli 2012
Enjoying summer
Summer is the best! Although my kind of vacation isn't what I chose, I'm really enjoying it. I've been unemployed since the 1:st of June and so far I'm okay with it. Maybe it's a bit presumptuous of me in this day and age. I've been to a couple of interviews and they all went really well so I'm not that stressed about the situation right now. The only thing I am stressed about is living with my boyfriend in his studio apartment, 42 square meters. Sometimes I get a bit claustrophobic but it wears off quite quickly. Hopefully we'll find something a bit bigger soon. On the upside, the rent is low!
torsdag 14 juni 2012
Things I won't be wearing this summer.
You could probably debate whether its summer or not, it hasn't been warmer than 18°C the last month but I'm still hopeful. I had one of my best summers last year. The weather was great, I got the chance to do lots of fun things and I got a great tan! Sticking with the shallowness of summer; summer fashion. Loving the long-awaited bright colours, the pastels and breezy skirts. But there is some items I wouldn't be caught dead in:
- Bright-coloured chinos or jeans. We call them "framgångsjeans", loosely translated as success pants in derogatory way.
- Short shorts. I just can't. Let's face it: there's only a handful of ladies that actually get away with it. And I don't.
- Your underwear showing. Why?
- The no-sleeve jeans shirt, especially the ones that look like you cut off the arms yourself. The opposition towards cut offs can also apply to shorts.
Did I get it all? What's your summer don't?
- Bright-coloured chinos or jeans. We call them "framgångsjeans", loosely translated as success pants in derogatory way.
- Short shorts. I just can't. Let's face it: there's only a handful of ladies that actually get away with it. And I don't.
- Your underwear showing. Why?
- The no-sleeve jeans shirt, especially the ones that look like you cut off the arms yourself. The opposition towards cut offs can also apply to shorts.
Did I get it all? What's your summer don't?
tisdag 29 maj 2012
Going home
Due to some events that I couldn't foresee I'll be moving back to Malmö soon. The agency lost a client only I was working with. I thought about staying in Gothenburg and find a new job here but I miss my family too much. I knew going in to this relocating-Gothenburg-thing would take a toll on me. Moving to a new city, new job, no friends. Friends I was sure to find, it would just take some time. And I have met some. But during this 6 month period my heart just couldn't settle down. I actually feel happy returning home.
lördag 12 maj 2012
Bad blogger
Soooo... I know, it's been a while. I don't know where to start. I guess I just give you the latest news up to date and then add on whatever I missed later on. First, none of this would be possible if I hadn't moved in to my new apartment in Gothenburg. Or if I didn't have Internet. Now, I do. I made the choice of ordering wireless 4G. I think that was the smartest thing to choose since this is a ComHem house. I'm not a big fan of ComHem, their internet services are way over-priced and too many complaints of services interrupted. But their TV ads are fun. How ever, the one thing I'm most excited about right now is the fact that I got my hands on one of the best digital cameras ever! No, Not a Leica M8. Way to pricey. But the runner up: the Ricoh GRII.
I'm super-excited! I still like my analogue cameras but to be honest, digital cameras are a bit more handy. What am I doing sitting inside? The sun is shining. Peace out!
I'm super-excited! I still like my analogue cameras but to be honest, digital cameras are a bit more handy. What am I doing sitting inside? The sun is shining. Peace out!
tisdag 21 februari 2012
Too girly?
tisdag 14 februari 2012
Getting real
Just like when I accepted the offer of a new job in a new town, I got that same feeling of "What have I done?!?" in my stomach yesterday. Since the new year I've been living in the company's apartment, sharing a two bedroom apartment with another newly employed at F&B. Half-hearted I've been looking thru housing, trying to sort out three-way contract swopping but yesterday reality struck.
A couple of weeks ago a girl from Stockholm took a look at my apartment in Malmö, I visited an apartment in Gothenburg and yesterday, the couple from Gbg fell in love with the Stockholm apartment. So I guess I'll be moving! And that is when it hit me! I'm leaving Malmö! I'm leaving a 20 minutes walk to my beloved family and replacing busses and trains for trams.

I actually think this is my house, I'm not sure.... It was dark when I saw it. But the layout is the same, two entrances, all the windows in the corner...
A couple of weeks ago a girl from Stockholm took a look at my apartment in Malmö, I visited an apartment in Gothenburg and yesterday, the couple from Gbg fell in love with the Stockholm apartment. So I guess I'll be moving! And that is when it hit me! I'm leaving Malmö! I'm leaving a 20 minutes walk to my beloved family and replacing busses and trains for trams.

I actually think this is my house, I'm not sure.... It was dark when I saw it. But the layout is the same, two entrances, all the windows in the corner...
lördag 7 januari 2012
All I wanted...

Image via weheartit
All I wanted for Christmas was snow. I know that sounds a bit wierd since I'm sure I complained a lot last year (and the year before). The last two winters had been the coldest and snowiest since the 1940'ies. Now the temperature has not been lower than 2°C. That's not even winter. And maybe because of the mild weather I battled tonsillitis and won (with the help of modern medicine) and all I have now is a snivel and a small cough.
I also wanted to spent time with my family. And that I got to do. I also got to spent extra time with Iris when her dad had to work. We went ice skating in the park (no skates for me).
Christmas was great. I got a gift card from a camera store and I ordered a camera I wanted for a long time but due to a glitch in the system I ordered one that didn't exist and out of stock. These cameras are hard to come by. Now I have to track down a used one.
What else happened... Well, a day into the new year, my freezer gave up but thanks to the best super ever I got a new one the following day, saving my boar steaks and other deliciousness.
Now I'm just enjoying the last days off work before returning to Gothenburg on Monday.
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